Monthly Archives: January 2014

Empathy Interviews

Hey All,
Just a fun fact for all those who are wondering what an empathy interview is. In the case of my project, empathy interviews include interviewing patients on what they would like from a product like mine, what problems they currently notice and experience in the hospital system. Finally, the last part of MY empathy interviews will encompass a test of the prototype of my app idea. This prototyping test out will include testing the app as it is and drawing what they would do to improve the app according to their own needs. The last part is very important in order to make sure I am solving the problems people actually experience!

Week of January 26th

Happy Chinese New Year Eve everybody! Based on the chinese zodiac, we welcome the year of the Horse! The horse symbolizes spirit and independance. I need to borrow some of the representations of the horse such as learning new skills quickly and being diligent, creative, and headstrong towards my goal. For the remainder of this month, I will make the best of every situation during the process of making my idea come to life.

Aside from my New Years resolution, I need to do major work the next two weeks to get my prototype up and running to test on other people. That is the most important thing to do on my list right now. I will be downloading my current prototype and testing it at a local hospital on volunteer patients. After that I will have to make changes and again work on making an improved prototype to test again!


What is Going On

I am hitting some problems right now. I am starting to realize that coding this app may be more of a long term project than I thought it would be. On average, the time it takes to develop and code an app is about 4.5 months or 18 weeks. I have currently been coding for about 2 months and I realize I need to do a lot more research in order to be able to finish coding. Translation, I have no idea how to code what I am trying to code. I am getting help though, and am considering other methods besides mobile app development. I am at a crossroad right now, and what I decide to do will effect the productivity of my project and the timeline.

Update Time

Update time! Happy New Year! The holiday’s have pushed me back behind my original schedule a couple of weeks. So for the next few weeks I plan on intensely working on my project in order to catch up! I am currently working on the platform App Inventor and expanding to coding in JavaScript. App Inventor has been my most basic prototype and moving on to coding on my own is the next step to development. I hope that by the end of January to the beginning of February, I will have a working prototype ready for use. Next month I will be testing my prototype real life at a hospital.