Monthly Archives: March 2014

March Goals

Hey all,
I find that it is really helpful to make a plan for every single week at the beginning of the month in order to ensure that I make progress on my project. My goal for this month is to start phase two of prototyping and empathy interviews. The timeline for this goal is to make improvements from feedback I received last month from my phase one empathy interviews during the first week and second week. The last two weeks will be taking my new prototype and conducting phase two interviews and prototype testing at the same hospitals I went to before.

March Updates

Hey all,
Since it is nearing the end of the year, and I am starting to plan out my final presentation for my project. It is time to start wrapping up what goals I have and what objectives will be able to realistically achieve. I will be outlining my goals in a future blog post. Work for this month includes receiving feedback from my empathy reviews at hospitals around the Bay Area. In the meantime, for my end of the year presentation, I will be experimenting with odd cast, a free voice over website!

Here is the URL to the website.